1. Use a Smaller Plate
2. Wait 15 minutes before seconds
It takes about 15 minutes for our brains to register that we are full. If you just wait, and talk with the family for fifteen or so minutes, you may be surprised, and find out that you are actually full.
3. Eat some High Fiber food before the "Big Meal"
If you eat foods like almonds, wheat thins, oatmeal, etc. before the meal, you will be a little fuller. This will help you to not overeat on those Christmas cookies and cakes.
4. Do your dishes before desert.
Once you finish eating, you may feel obligated to rush right to dessert. However, if you do your dishes and clean up before dessert, you may realize that you are fuller than you thought. This will help you from overeating.
5. Drink Seltzer Water
If you drink Seltzer Water or carbonated water during the big meal, the carbonation will help fill your stomach. This way you will feel fuller, without all of the food.
6. Wear a Belt
Wear a belt tight around your stomach. If you feel the belt getting tighter around you when you are eating, or you even feel as if you need to loosen it, you are probably eating too much. This will just be an easy way of knowing when to stop.
7. Enjoy Your Family
If you are talking and enjoying your family during dinner, you will be more interested in talking with them, and less focused on eating. Often when we are with our family, we feel obligated to eat, and engage in emotional eating. Don't worry about this. Plus when you are talking with your family, you will eat slower, which will cause you to feel fuller sooner.
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