If you chew your food slower, you will be able to savor it longer. Since it takes about 15 minutes for your brain to get the signal from your stomach that you are full, you will eat less, and after about 15 minutes you will find out that you are full. This will stop you from overeating.
2. Fidget
While it may seem a little silly it really works. If you tap your toes or shake your knees that all burns calories. Just don't fidget too much or you may get some awkward looks at the office.
3. Stand More
When you stand you use a whole lot more energy than sitting. You can stand all the time. If there is the option where you can sit on a bench, or stand and talk to someone, take the standing option, you will burn more calories.
When you walk up the stairs one at a time you are using a lot more energy than by taking then two or more at a time. While you may get to your destination a little bit slower, you are burning calories, so enjoy the walk!
5. Chew Gum
When you are chewing gum, your moving your mouth up and down, thus causing you to burn calories. You can even make your teeth healthier by buying gum that cleans your teeth like trident. In addition, chewing gum helps suppress appetite, so you won't feel as inclined to snack on little things throughout the day.
6. Walk Quickly
The quicker and more intensely that you walk, the more you will get your heart going. If you walk like you need to get somewhere, you will appear important and you will be more able to look busy.
7. Sit With Better Posture
If you sit up in your chair you will be using your abs and strengthening your core. In addition you will appear to be a better worker, and not lazy like some people who recline in their chair. Maybe sitting up in your chair can be a good way to look busy and get that promotion that you have been looking for.
8. Exaggerate every Movement
If you make every movement bigger, you are burning more calories. For example if you wave at someone you don't have to make a wimpy "little wave" get into that wave. Make it a big one, maybe even jump up and down. The person will be happy that you recognize them, and you be healthier for it. However, make sure you don't exaggerate your movements too much or people might give you weird looks.
9. Go out of your Way
When you are going somewhere, take the long route. You don't always have to go to the closest bathroom. If you explore your environment and walk a little bit out of the way, you might see something interesting, plus your doing a service to your health.
10. Wear Warmer Clothes
When we wear warmer clothes our body is in thermogenesis. This is just a fancy way to say that our body heats up. When we are warmer we burn more fat. So now you can be warm, and lose fat! It's a Win-Win.
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