4:55 PM

Mark at Healthy Life Advice
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Many people come to me and ask me, "Mark! I've been working out for awhile, and I am just not seeing the gains that I used to when I first started lifting, how can I get those gains back?" Well while you probably wont see those gains that you did because of the law of diminishing returns, which pretty much means our bodies can only handle so much. You can only weigh so much, or you can only lose so much weight, their is a limit. But, if you haven't reached your limit yet, there are some things that you can do.
1. Change up your supplements/start taking supplements

While many people are taking supplements, they sometimes take the same thing for too long. If you are still taking that same fat burner that you used 5 years ago or that same pre-workout, it may be time for a change. Change to products with different active ingredients, and vary what you take. Or if you don't take any supplements
START! They can really help you take your workouts to the next level.
2. Change up your workout
There are so many people who do the same thing day in and day out. They had the same workout split for years. They would do the same exercise on the same days for so long. This is not how you build muscle. I personally never do the same workout twice in a row. I haven't actually done the exact same workout in over a year. It is important to vary your rep range and set range and exercises to continually keep the body guessing.
3. Watch what you eat
Many people ask "Mark I just cant put on size" or "I just can't lose the fat that I want". While both these people spend all the time that they need in the gym they don't eat right. If you are eating not enough/too much food no matter how much you workout, you will not gain size/lose weight.
Posted in: General Wellness
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