Betaine is a modified amino acid commonly known as trimethylclycine. It's called betaine because it was originally isolated from beets. However, it is also found (in greater amounts) in spinach and wheat germ. Betaine is naturally found in the body from the breakdown of choline.
What it does
Betaine is great for promoting overall health. It has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, it can fight depression, enhance liver health, and aid joint recovery. It has even shown to lower cholesterol, and reducte the risk of atherosclerosis. While it is really great health wise it can also help you leaps and bounds in the gym. A University of Connecticut study found a 25% greater increase in strength with a pre-workout with betaine, and a placebo. There have also been studies done by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and the College of New Jersey that have confirmed these findings. These findings seem to be validated because betaine supports the natural production of creatine in the body. Another study by UConn found that it lowered lactate levels, and people who drank betaine in water were able to sprint 40 seconds longer. It also seems that betaine is anabolic and supports the growth of muscles.

How to take it
Betaine can either be found naturally in vegetables such as spinach and beets. It can also be purchased in supplement form. It is recommended to have 1 to 2 grams of betaine per day. But if you really want to maximize your results with betaine, you could take 1.5 to 2 grams twice per day with your meals.
So if you have not added betaine to your workout regime this might be just the motivation you need.
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